Review the application for the yearly due date and requirements. You must apply to FACTS STO in order to be considered for our Local Tuition Assistance. The round 1 deadline for STO applications is April 15th and the round 2 deadline is July 1st.
STO Application is Open for 2024-2025 Tuition Assistance
Step 2: Upload 2022 Federal Tax Return Include your entire federal tax return and all schedules. If you are not required to complete 2022 federal taxes, upload nontaxable income documentation.
Step 3: Application Fee The application fee is $36.00 per family.
Step 4: Seek Assistance For questions about the application: Call FACTS Helpline at 866-315-9262 Monday-Thursday 7:30 AM to 7:00 PM and Friday 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM. For help with uploading documents or other assistance completing the application: Contact the school office at 515-232-5290. For more information about the application process and eligibility requirements: Go to Our Faith STO FAQs for Parents.
Step 5: Receive Notification Qualifying families will receive notification of STO awards by May 19th.
Step 6: Local Tuition Assistance If you need additional tuition assistance beyond STO or miss the April 15th priority deadline, you should still complete the STO application and reach out to your school about any additional local tuition assistance options.
The application deadline is April 15, 2023.
Local Scholarship Tuition Assistance
You will receive an award letter showing your FACTS STO assistance. If this amount doesn’t meet your financial needs for the school year, you may apply for our Local Scholarship Tuition Assistance. All information is confidential. If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 563-927-3689.